The publication of this book is a historic event. It is the first Systemic publication produced in France. It is also a first for the publishers, since it is the first book in English that they have published. We hope therefore that the Systemic community will help justify the confidence the publishers have placed in us, by recommending this book to your libraries and to your students, as well as acquiring your own copy, of course! We have done our best to keep the price down, and we hope you agree that 50€ (approximately $60) is a reasonable price for a book that runs to well over 600 pages. Here are the bibliographical details, and, to whet your systemic appetite, the contents. Banks, David (ed.): Text and Texture, Systemic Functional viewpoints on the nature and structure of text, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2-7475-5812-6, 647pp. 50€. Contents Fries, Peter H.: What makes a text coherent? Davies, Martin: Two truths … of the imperial theme. Banks, David: Degrees of Newness. Morley, David G.: Analysing primary elements of clause structure in functional syntax. Hasselgĺrd, Hilde: Temporal and spatial adjuncts as elements of texture. Barbara, Leila & Carlos A.M. Gouveia: It is not there, but [it] is cohesive: the case of not deployed Reference in Portuguese. Arús Hita, Jorge: English and Spanish structures: the textual metafunction as a contrastive tool for the analysis of languages. Andersen, Thomas: The system of THEME in the Danish clause. McCabe, Anne: Thematic progression patterns and text types in history textbooks. Coffin, Caroline & Barbara Mayor: Texturing writer and reader reference in novice academic writing. Thomas, Alain: Textual cohesion and speaking rate among advanced FSL students. Lavid, Julia: Building textual resources for multilingual generation: a functional-typological approach. Fontaine, Lise: Textual challenges in recursive email texts. Van Mol, Maarten & Mick O'Donnell: Automatic recognition of generic structure: medical discharge notices. Van Leeuwen, Theo & Carmen Caldas-Coulthard: The semiotics of kinetic design. Rowley-Jolivet, Elizabeth: Visual textual patterns in scientific conference presentations. Schiess, Raimund: Reading the television screen: text, texture, screen design. Saki, Mohamed: Thematic progression patterns and generic identity in abstracts. Love, Alison: Drawing on (a lot of) 'Given': one aspect of Theme choice in newspaper editorials. Bowcher, Wendy L.: Theme and New in play-by-play radio sports commentating. Cummings, Michael: Cohesion and genre in continuous text. Rodriguez, Julia: Thematic progression and Field, Tenor and Mode in two folktales: "The Very Proper Gander" and "Mother Eagle and the Hunter". Caffarel, Alice: The construal of a second-order semiosis in Camus' L'Etranger. Webber, Pauline: From spoken science to published research article: a comparative study. Sridevi, Sriniwass: A systemic-semantic investigation of textuality through the resources of ideational lexis. Hansen de Chambouleyron, Ana: Non-finite clauses in thematic position and the research article. Silvestre, Carminda: Discourse markers as texture creating devices in business meetings.