Chen, Yueh-miao
National Chung Cheng University

Chen, Yueh-miao
National Chung Cheng University
Dept of Foreign Languages and Literature
Chiayi, 62107, Taiwan, ROC

Strand: educational

Title: Effective Writing Instruction: University Students' Perceptions

This paper investigated university students' perceptions of effective writing instruction and, then, the essence of effective writing instruction was abstracted and discussed.

In the study, twelve university students of native and nonnative students were interviewed to discuss their experiences of writing instruction and what perceptions and expectations they had about effective writing instruction. Basically, all of the subjects confirmed the effect and function of writing instructrion; they admitted that through one whole semester's instruction, they had learned much and made progress in writing. As for effective writing instruction, their perceptions were as follows: 1) The caring of the teacher, good interaction and real involvement between the teacher and students as well as among students; 2) Clear instructions and directions on how to write by teaching and by showing individual problems; 3) Specific comments and feedback to identify individual problems; 4) Practicing writing regularly: Lots of free writing; 5) Free choice on topics: Space for students to develop ideas; 6)Peer review: Keeping a good dynamic among students.

Based on the perceptions of university students, essence of effective writing instruction was analyzed and concluded in two phases. Phase one is efforts made by the teacher in terms of attitude, knowledge, competence and performance. Phase two is efforts made by the students in terms of motivation/hardworking (mandatory work) and determination/perseverance (individualized work). In a word, only with efforts from both sides can effectiveness of writing courses be created and expected.