International Systemic Functional Linguistics Association

Minutes of Annual General Meeting

23 July 1997
York Hall of Glendon College, York University, Toronto, Canada


F Alsadequi, E Asp, E Aspeslagh, S Ayano, A Baldry, D Banks, W Bowcher, D Butt, P Chaban, C Chapelle, H Chen, Y Chen, J Cooper, M Crawford, M Cummings, E Davies, G Diaz- Santos, J Diamondstone, W Downes, R Fawcett, J Fine, G Forey, B Forson, N Fries, P Fries, S Gardner, N Geslin, J Gilbert, W Greaves, M Halliday, L Hand, M Haneda, C Hartnett, R Hasan, K Hisao, M Janta-Polczynski, M Jordan, M Keshavarz, K Love, J Martins Santos-Neto, R Martinec, M Maxwell, B Mohan, M Molenaar, G Netto, M O'Donnell, M O'Toole, L Rashidi, C=7F Render, T Royce, T Sardinha, J Schulz, S Sen, M Shimazumi, B Spruiell, E Steiner, G Stillar, M Taboada, R Tannock, P Tench, A Thwaite, C Torsello, H Tsukada, G Tucker, R Veltman, P White, B Winser, S Wortham, X Xiong, L Young

1. Chairperson's remarks

Michael Halliday expressed great thanks to Congress Convenors Bill Greaves and Jim Benson. Appreciation was expressed also for the office staff of Sarah Moore, Nan Fries, and Jenn Moore.

2. Election of new office bearer

To replace resigning membership secretary Dirk Noel, Erich Steiner moved and Robin Fawcett seconded the nomination of Nan Fries. Approval was unanimous. She agreed to hold the office for one year.

3. Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes are posted on the wall in the office. Barn Borson moved approval, Lynne Young seconded, and the vote was unanimous.

4. Business arising from the minutes

There was unanimous approval of a motion made by Linda Hand and seconded by Jonathan Fine to continue the motion passed at last year's meeting to update the membership list.

5. Treasurer's report

Caroline Stainton had sent a statement showing a current balance of 1,729.68 Pounds Sterling. Last year's balance was 1,688.55. Interest of 26.00 was added on 30 June 1996 and 14.73 on 31 December 1996. Mick O'Donnell moved approval, Gordon Tucker seconded, and the measure passed.

6. Upcoming conferences

The 25th International Systemic Functional Congress at the University of Wales in Cardiff, UK, 13-18 July 1988. The theme will be Modeling Language in Use. The Pre-Congress Institute 6-10 July will be taught by Michael Halliday, assisted by Ruqaiya Hasan, on the topic of "Halliday's Introduction to Functional Grammar in the Framework of an Overall Model of Language." The congress will be organized by Robin Fawcett, Paul Tench, and Gordon Tucker. They will send out a memo in October.

The Tenth Euro-International Systemic Functional Workshop will meet at the University of Liverpool, UK, 22-25 July 1998 to explore Interpersonal Meanings and Systems. The mailing list will include persons who contact E-ISFW10, Applied English Language Studies Unit, Department of English Language and Literature, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3BX, UK, email:, phone: +44 151 2770, fax:+44 151 794 2739. Information will be available also on the Systemic Web page maintained by Geoff Thompson:

The 26th International Systemic Functional Congress will meet in Singapore, 26-30 July 1999. The organizer is Joe Foley.

AILA will meet in Tokyo 2-9 August 1999. For details, see

ISFC plans to meet in Melbourne in 2000, organized by Fran Christie, and in 2001 probably at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, organized by Lynne Young.

Details about ISFC meetings and minutes will be available on Sysfling and on the Web at Bill Greaves expressed the organization's appreciation of Mick O'Donnell's work keeping up the page.

Wendy Bowcher announced the Japan Association of Systemic Functional Linguistics Autumn Conference in Hind, Tokyo, 26-7 October 1997. Information is available at

7. Book Announcements

The following books were listed as by members or of interest to them: Genre and institutions by Christie and Macklin, Part two by Eggins, Intonation by Tench, Teaching by Melrose, Language of displayed art by O'Toole, Ways of saying and meaning by Hasan, Language in context and register by Kerry and edited by David Bleich, Communication in artificial intelligence by Samson (in Fawcett's Open Linguistic series), Educating Eve (a reply to Pincher) by Samson, Reading images by Kress, On Subject and Theme by Hasan and Fries (now in paper), Functional descriptions by Hasan, English and Spanish by Downing, Lexical cartography by Matthiessen, Meanings and messages: language guidelines for museum exhibitions by Ferguson, MacLulich, and Ravelli, and the journal of Linguistics and Education edited by Lemke.

Robin Fawcett invited discussions with him on publications, especially those concerning papers on particular themes, such as semiotic systems of natural language and interpersonal systems.

There is interest in publications on semiosis in language and other modalities and on analysis of discourse in a functional perspective. Submissions should be double-spaced single- sided sheets and a 3.5" floppy PC disk, preferably windows. For information contact Dr. Glenn Stillar, Rhetoric and Professional Writing Programs, Department of English, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 3G1, e-mail

8. Any other business

William Greaves moved that a bank account be established in North America to receive any surplus funds generated by Congresses held in North America. These funds shall be available for seed money for other ISFC's, such seed money to be repaid if the Congresses break even. The North American S-F linguists shall appoint a Treasurer each who will take responsibility for the account and report on it each year to the AGM of the Association. Michael Cummings seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

Peter Fries moved that Bill Greaves be made treasurer of the account. Saughita Sen seconded the motion, which also passed unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Carolyn Hartnett, Recording Secretary

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